What can you do with a powerful PKI platform?

Set-up private Certificate Authority (CA)
Secure access to websites & applications (SSL/TLS)
Enable MFA for VPN or private network access
Enforce device authentication for workplace & IoT devices, MDM
Deploy code signing and authentication (DevOps)
Secure cloud application access
Provide passwordless shell access to machines (SSH)
Protect access to corporate network and WiFi
Initiate mutual authentication for secure web applications (mTLS)
Roll out email signing and encryption
Secure communication between microservices and containers
Manage keys in public cloud

Adopt true end-to-end security

The Smart ID PKI issues certificate-based, cryptographically secure, unforgeable identities that enable,

Strong authentication: Certificate-based authentication ensures only authorized users, devices, or servers can connect to a network or application. Revocation of certificates instantly blocks access in case of compromise or emergency.

Encryption and privacy: Certificates guarantee encrypted communication between devices and services to securely transmit data over TLS.

Integrity: Digitally signed messages based on certificates prove the origin of data and detect data manipulation. Signed firmware ensures secure software updates from verified sources.

Complete, compliant, and feature-rich

  • Securely issue certificate-based identities
  • Complete certificate lifecycle management
  • Store certificates on multiple devices - mobile phones, smartcards, corporate devices, IoT devices, etc.
  • Ensure high performance and scalability 
  • Manage multiple CAs and tenants
  • Common Criteria EAL4+ certified 
  • TISAX and ISO 27001 compliant

Enhance interoperability

The Smart ID PKI supports a wide range of enrolment protocols and interfaces which makes it easily extensible to various use cases while keeping it secure and compliant with global industry standards.

  • ACME
  • CMC
  • CMP
  • EST
  • EST-coaps
  • SCEP
  • WinEP


The only complete PKI platform




Certificate Factory

Responsible for control mechanisms and data preparation in the issuance process.

Distribution Agent

Responsible for distributing certificates, CRLs, and CILs to different services

Certificate Issuing System

Creates, uses, and deletes CA keys on demand from the Certificate Factory, in addition to certificate and CRL signing

OCSP Responder

Answers queries on behalf of one or several CAs, enabling multi-tenant hosting, about the revocation and issuance status of certificates

Support for HSMs

Connect with several HSMs over the PKCS#11 cryptographic interface, to manage CA keys, TLS keys, key archiving, PIN protection, and user keys

Key Generation System

Performs key generation and smart card pre-personalization functions

SNMP Protocol

Allows for the CF and CIS-managed services to forward notifications over the SNMP protocol

Protocol Gateway

Handles standard protocols and functionalities for enrolling certificates to different kinds of devices




Explore more technical details, tutorials, and updates


Deploy Smart ID PKI in your preferred mode


  • We develop, install, and operate - You use
  • Quickly deploy a scalable service with fast onboarding 
  • Benefit from using the most up-to-date software based on standard services
  • Avoid system and application downtime due to expired certificates  


  • Customized set-up aligned to your needs 
  • Combine services and on-premise deployment
  • For example, Nexus will manage the online Certificate Authority while you manage identities in a local Smart ID system

Start your FREE trial for our GO IoT services today!



Scalable platform that promotes trust in every interaction

Further PKI resources



PKI explained in 4 mins
PKI enables organizations to secure IoT communication, enable digital document signing, and everything in between! Martin Furuhed, the PKI expert at Nexus, explains what PKI really is - in 4 minutes.

Know more


Is public key infrastructure (PKI) giving you a false sense of security?
Do you think you have secured your organization and solved your issues with strong authentication, data encryption, and digital signatures just because you are using the public key infrastructure (PKI) security method?

Read now


A brief history of PKI
Encryption techniques have been used for millennia to protect communication – first on Mesopotamian clay tablets and most recently in the internet of things (IoT). Discover how PKI evolved into the most sophisticated security technology developed by mankind. 

Discover now


Leading innovation through collaboration 

We are a part of consortiums and certifications that are pivotal in shaping the security standards, principles, and regulations of the future

Research project collaborations

Connected vehicles Research

Nexus secures V2X communication in SECREDAS project

Nexus secures V2X communication in SECREDAS project The Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership (ECSEL) SECREDAS project, launched in 2018, has been completed successfully. The project which has funding of €50+ million is aimed at devel...
Blog Research

SecureCare: IoT research project aims to provide trusted high-quality elderly care

“We have initiated a new research project that we hope will result in a truly secure smart-healthcare system for elderly as well as younger and healthier people,” says Helen Holst, CIO at the Swedish municipality City of Solna.
Blog Research

SecureIoT: Making PKI security available for resource-constrained IoT devices

The internet of things (IoT) applications have started to hit the market in big numbers – but security is lagging behind.

Why Nexus

Backed by teams with unparalleled expertise, Nexus Smart ID PKI is the only complete PKI solution in the market

High performance

Guaranteed high performance with a proven capacity to issue 10,000 certificates per second. Offered as a service, guaranteed SLA and capacity as you grow. 

High security

Proven security in compliance with Common Criteria EAL4+, TISAX, and ISO 27001

Smoother migration

Easily migrate to our future-compatible, multi-tenant PKI platform and increase operational efficiency with automation, notifications, and self-service.

Want to know more?

Book a personalized demo session with our PKI experts to discover how
Smart ID PKI can help promote trust in every transaction!

Explore our latest resources

Blog IoT security News PKI Workforce Workplace Zero Trust

Google’s drastic decision is a hard lesson on Crypto-Agility

25 July, 2024
In the wake of the recent incident, organizations must strengthen their digital trust framework by focusing on crypto-agility.

Difference Between Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptography

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What is Asymmetric Cryptography?

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Asymmetric cryptography has revolutionised the security of communications over insecure networks. It provides a robust method within your Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) framework for protecting data and ensuring privacy. With this encryption method, you c...

What is Public and Private Key in Cryptography? 

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