Do you recognize these challenges

Many organizations face challenges when they secure their workplace devices.

They need to:

  • use automation rather than manual processes to prevent certificate expiry.
  • ensure that there are no unauthorized devices in your network.
  • be compliant and ensure privacy.
  • reduce risk for service interruptions due to expired certificates.
  • reach inventory awareness of known devices in the network.

Want to know more?




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How does it work?

With Smart ID Workplace, you can automate enterprise certificate provisioning for both domain endpoints, such as machines and servers, and non-domain endpoints, such as dev ops servers, mobile devices and networking devices. It supports enterprise IT to manage and automate the entire lifecycle of their internal and external PKI-based certificates.

As opposed to proprietary solutions, Nexus embraces open standards such as SCEP, EST and ACME to support edge devices.

As secure communication and encrypted traffic are vital in large organizations, Nexus offers flexibility in deployment models, for example to choose data center or a hybrid solution. As we have respect for the security conflicts that may arise, we operate through freedom of choice.

Nexus removes the complexity and lets you stay in control of the lifecycle of all digital identities in one system, with the help of self-service and automated processes.

Smart ID Workplace IoT has the following key features:

  • Device registration manually or in batches, connected to AD or ITSM (for example ServiceNow) and with optional approval steps for traceability.
  • Automatic certificate enrolment and renewal, via various profiles and templates, such as ACME, SCEP, WinEP, EST and Intune, and with manual processes as fallback.
  • Monitoring of issued and expiring certificates, failed enrolments, deactivation and revocation.
  • Change of device ownership.
  • Integration of publicly trusted certificate authorities (CA) from multiple other vendors.
  • Object history and reporting to enable auditing and compliance.

Want to know more?

workplace iot How to buy & deploy - Workforce

Secure MDM with trusted identities as a service

Are you using a Mobile Device Management, MDM, system to manage the corporate IT devices? Do you want certificates from a trusted, third-party Certificate Authority (CA) – as a service, to be able to manage these devices? Nexus GO MDM service provides exactly this.

The service integrates a third-party CA seamlessly to common MDM systems. It is based on standard certificate management protocols and enables complete automation of the certificate management process. GO MDM is a fully managed service that helps secure MDM for enterprises and organisations of any size, with device fleets of up to hundreds of thousands or even more.





Guide: 9 Steps to securing your workplace devices

For most organizations, a new approach to security is needed instead of the conventional perimeter-based model. Security mechanisms need to be applied based on trusted identities of people and things.

As part of a Zero Trust strategy, trusted identities must be issued to all connected workplace devices, for example, mobile devices, laptops, network equipment, routers, printers, conference devices, domain controllers, web servers and internal servers.

In this guide, you will learn how to secure the workplace devices in your organization while avoiding the pitfalls, and how to set up a scalable and flexible solution that works today and in the future.


of organizations have seen system outages due to unplanned certificate expiration.


"no code" certificate automation

0 min

service interruptions due to expired certificates

Why Nexus

Nexus’ platform for workplace IoT identities has the following key benefits:


Stay secure at all times by automating all critical identity and certificate based processes


Supports all your devices through open standards and protocols, enabling trust identites from internal or public PKI


Enables compliance to local and global regulations, through smooth management, traceability and automated processes.

Want to know more about how we can help you?

Book a free demo

News and Resources

Blog IoT security News PKI Workforce Workplace Zero Trust

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